Friday, May 27, 2011

Ja'Niya Walker Styles Jermagisty II

Hey everyone I am so pleased with the beautiful work by the very talented Ja'Niya Walker and todayI received even more photos, hope you are enjoying them.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ja'Niya Walker Styles Jermagisty

Hey everybody I absolutly adore these very cinematic images I just received from the stylist Ja'Niya Walker, she is soo talented and I still await more images from our collaboration. Hope you are loving them as much as I am.


Photographer: Angela Marklew [ MM: ] 
Model: Cassidy Barker [ MM: ]
Stylist: Ja'Niya Walker [ MM: ]
Makeup Artist: Aliana Moss [ MM: ]
Hairstylist: Vanessa Vanderpool [ MM: ]

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another look at Jermagisty

Today I was emailed some photos taken from behind the stage of the CSUN fashion show. These pictures are brought to you by Isiah at Mays photo. Just a different point of view of the show.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Jermagisty, a look at...

Howdy y'all so I haven't seen any good official images of my girls walking in my new dresses but I did find some pictures taken from an audience member, hope these satisfy your need for the moment haha.